Invited lecturers
José Antonio Alonso
Professor of Research Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC
Title: “Materials for energy conversion stabilized under high-pressure conditions”
J. Paul Attfield
Professor CSEC, University of Edinburgh
Title: “New perovskites from high pressure - a legacy of Gerard Demazeau”
Research activity in the field of high-pressure synthesis of transition metal oxides with unusual electronic and magnetic properties, such as metal-insulator transitions, superconductivity or colossal magnetoresistance. Energy conversion and storage materials, in particular oxide materials for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and intermetallic alloys for hydrogen storage and thermoelectric materials. Frequent user of neutron diffraction techniques applied to the determination of crystal and magnetic structures. In UT-Austin he worked in the design and development of new electrode and electrolyte materials for SOFC.
Paul Attfield holds a Chair in Materials Science at Extreme Conditions at the School of Chemistry and Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, University of Edinburgh. He received B.A. and D.Phil. degrees from Oxford University, and he was a Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconductivity at the University of Cambridge during 1991-2003. He received the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Meldola and Corday-Morgan medals and Peter Day award, and he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014. Early research contributions included pioneering resonant X-ray scattering experiments of cation and valence ordering, and studies of disorder effects in functional oxides. Current research is centred on electronic and magnetic materials including use of high pressure methods.
Giacomo Cao
Professor and Chairman University of Cagliari,Cagliari, Italy
Title: “Reactive and Non-reactive Spark Plasma Sintering of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics and related applications”
Santiago Cuesta López
General Manager International Centerfor Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y Leon (ICAMCyL)
Title: “The importance of raw materials and circular economy in the technologies operating under extreme conditions”
Giacomo Cao, was born in Cagliari on September 22, 1960. He received his Master Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cagliari in February 1986 and his PhD also in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bologna in 1990. He became Assistant Professor in 1990, Associate Professor in 1992 and Full Professor in 2001. He has been “visiting scholar” at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, USA in 1988, 1992 and 1993 as well as research associate” in 1993 at the same University. Since October 2013, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative of the Sardinian AeroSpace District (DASS) Scarl. He is serving as Chairman of the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Cagliari since July 2015. He has been also included in the list of the Top Italian Scientists.
S. Cuesta is General Manager of the International Center Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y Leon (ICAMCyL). Representing Spain as member state in the Operational Groups of the European Innovation Partnership in Raw Materials. Executive member of EU NANOFUTURES as chairman of the Working Group on Critical Raw Materials. Executive member of the strategic group in M-ERANET. Executive member of EU-Nanosafety cluster. Liaison Officer for the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA-OECD) and member of the ISO/AENOR CTN 73. Up to now, responsible or director for more than 40 funded projects (EU/National/Industry). He has authored/co-authored more than 100 publications and technical communications to industry. In the last ten years, Dr. S.Cuesta has received different awards, highlighting the National Prize of SNE for young researchers (2003), Ramon y Cajal (2009) and the prize for ICFRM extreme Materials (Sapporo-2009). He has obtained the National “Intensification in research” mention in 2013 (I3) and Distinguished researcher in 2014.
Graziella Goglio Professor ICMCB-University of Bordeaux
Title: “Hydrothermal sintering: a low temperature densification process for ceramics and multimaterials. Recent trends and prospects”
Wilfried B. Holzapfel
Professor Emeritus Physics Department, University Paderborn, Germany
Title: “Coherent thermodynamic model for the solid, liquid and gas phases of elements and simple compounds in wide ranges of pressure and temperature”
Graziella GOGLIO, 45 years old, develops research activities related to the chemistry of (nano) materials integrating high pressure and/or solid state chemistry approaches. Recruited as a lecturer in 1999 in the group of Professor Gérard Demazeau, she focused her activities on the synthesis of new materials (superhard carbon nitrides, layered oxides for catalysis) by solvothermal or high pressure processes. From 2006, she joined the group "Chemistry of nanomaterials" where she was interested in the effects of dimension and dimensionality in complex oxide nanoparticles. Appointed professor in 2015, she decided to devote her research activities to hydro- or solvothermal sintering as a technique for densification of ceramics and multimaterials at low temperature. She favors a multidisciplinary approach (high-pressure technology, solvothermal processes, surface chemistry, nanomaterials) to deepen the knowledge on the process. She is author of 60 articles including 2 book chapters and 3 review articles and has presented more than 40 talks.
1938 born in Magdeburg, Germany/ 1963 Diploma in theoretical physics (G. Falk), 1964. 1966 Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) in experimental physics, research associate TU Karlsruhe, (E. U. Franck), U. of Illinois, Urbana, USA, (H. G. Drickamer)/ 1969 Head of high pressure group, TU München, (R. L. Mößbauer)/ 1971 Head of high pressure lab MPI Stuttgart/ 1978 Prof. in physics Univ. Paderborn, Chairman of EHPRG,/ 1988 Member in the editorial board of "High Pressure Research"/ 1989 Chairman of the 12. AIRAPT and 27. EHPRG conference in Paderborn/ 1991 Chairman of the scientific advisory board of HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg/ 1982-2009 Visiting prof. UCLA, Los Angeles; Lawrence Livermore Lab., USA; Univ. of Bordeaux, France; LENS, Florenz; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Lucyna Jaworska
Professor Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Krakow and AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Title: “Influence of current parameters on phase composition for superhard composites, sintered using high pressure.“
Sylvie Le Floch Research Engineer Institut Lumière Matière-Unversité de Lyon-CNRS-UMR 5306 Title: “Impacts of the High Pressure on materials at nanoscale”
Prof. Lucyna Jaworska, head of the Centre for Materials Research and Sintering Technology of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. She is a specialist in the field of the pressure sintering of metastable phases and nanopowders. Her area of expertise includes obtaining and material studies. She has coordinated 14 projects. In 2013-2016 she was the coordinator of the SINTERCER project (7 FP UE REGPOT), “Development of a SINTERing CEntRe and know-how exchange for non-equilibrium sintering methods of advanced ceramic composite materials”. She is MC Member of “Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions” (CRM-EXTREME) COST action CA15102. She is the author of about 160 papers, four monographs, one book and several chapters in books and co-author of 15 patents. She received 17 awards at the inventions fair for technological innovation in Europe and Asia. She is a Professor at the Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals at the AGH University of Science and Technology.
Doctor Sylvie Le Floch is a research engineer at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She is the technical director of the platform for experimentation in extreme conditions at the University of Lyon and performs her research activity in the Nano-Materials for Energy team in the Institute Light and Matter. She is also the national coordinator of the CNRS training in High Pressure Technology. In 1994, after her PhD degree in materials chemistry passed at the University of Orleans, Sylvie Le Floch started working in the Neel Institute (Grenoble) as the technical manager of large volume high pressure equipment for materials synthesis. Her research interest on the synthesis of high Tc superconductors lead her to two temporary research stays at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, 1997) and at the National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba (Japan, 1999). In 2003, she moved to Lyon and started working on nanomaterials under extreme conditions. Her research interests includes Materials chemistry; High pressure technology for materials synthesis and physical characterizations under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature; Development of specific high pressure cells for in situ measurements
Yann Le Godec
CNRS Researcher IMPMC, CNRS and University Paris Sorbonne. Title: “High Pressure synthesis of new light materials with outstanding properties”
Mathieu Marchivie Associate Professor ICMCB CNRS, University of Bordeaux
Title: “X-ray diffraction under pressure using Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC): Example and specificity of soft molecular materials.”
Dr. Yann Le Godec, CNRS researcher, is an experienced user of large-scale instruments (ESRF, SOLEIL, DESY, DIAMOND, ILL, ISIS, etc.) for high pressure research. During last years, he has used high pressure to create new solids with advanced mechanical and physical properties. His activities led him to patent numerous new dense materials with light elements that have aroused considerable interest in search for novel superhard phases all over the world. He has been also leading in the development of new in situ high pressure - high temperature diffraction techniques, both for x-rays and neutron studies. For his works, Dr. Le Godec received the CNRS "medaille de bronze" Award.
Mathieu Marchivie, Associate Professor within the Pharmaceutical department of the University of Bordeaux, performs his research in the "Institute of Chemistry and Condensed Mater of Bordeaux" (ICMCB) in the « switchable molecules and materials » group. After his PhD in 2003, he focalized his research topics mainly on structure – properties relationships in magnetic molecular switches notably by XRD under constraints (T, P, hν). Since 2014 he joined the « switchable molecules and materials » group at ICMCB to develop a new topic around powder diffraction analysis of molecular switches and physical characterization under pressure, mainly through diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells environments with synchrotron radiation but also in laboratory conditions. Mathieu Marchivie is a specialist of diffraction and crystallography of small molecules and is strongly involved in the dissemination of crystallography to a large audience.
Samuel Marre
CNRS Researcher ICMCB-CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux, Pessac, France
Title: “Continuous synthesis of materials using high pressure microfluidics”
Claudio Mingazzini
Researcher ENEA, Italy
Title: “Assessment and qualification of ceramic materials and components for extreme environments”
Samuel Marre is a CNRS researcher (National Center for Scientific Research) in the supercritical fluid group at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (ICMCB) since 2009. He received his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science from the University of Bordeaux in 2006 (“Desensitization of energetic materials in supercritical fluids”). He then moved to the Jensen Lab at MIT as a postdoctoral researcher where he developed the very first high pressure / high temperature microsystems for synthesizing nanomaterials. After a short stay in the Solvay “Laboratory of the Future” in Pessac (France), he successfully joined CNRS. His current research interests include the study of hydrodynamics, thermodynamics and materials chemistry coupled effects in confined supercritical media. To date, his research was disseminated through 53 papers in international journals, 3 book chapters and several international conferences. He was awarded the bronze medal of CNRS in 2014.
Claudio Mingazzini was born in Faenza (Ra, Italy) in 1970. He graduated in Chemistry cum laude in 1994 at the Bologna University, and qualified for the Professional Order of Chemists the same year. He further graduated with a 2-years Master's Degree on “Chemical methods of Analysis and Control" cum laude in 1996, and later obtained the PhD in Chemistry in the same university. Since 1994 he has been employed by Italian National Research Agencies (5 years in ISTEC-CNR,, and 18 years in ENEA, performing research work on ceramic material and coatings, focusing on their processing and microstructural characterisation, especially for thermomechanical applications in the energy field. Over the years he was among the authors of 58 scientific publications, 65 internal reports, 8 Italian patents application (3 of which became European Patents), he participated to 25 Scientific Conferences (International and National) and prenormative research projects. Recently he has been focusing on Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites, produced in Faenza laboratories by PIP and CVI. At the moment he coordinates WP3 of FP7 project Matisse (about ceramic composites application to IV generation nuclear reactors) and POR-FESR project EEE-CFCC (, about low cost CFCC for transports, produced using preceramic prepregs). He also coordinates the ENEA Faenza activities within the H2020 project Nextower (about Concentrated Solar Power systems, based on ceramic absorbers).
Pavel Novak
Associate professor, vice-dean University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Title: “Intermetallics – new materials for extreme conditions”
Radu-Robert Piticescu
Senior Scientist 1st degree National R&D Institute for Nonferrous and Rare Metals – IMNR
Title: “Thin films architectures for high temperature applications”
Pavel Novak is associate professor in the Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering of University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) and vice-dean of Faculty of Chemical Technology of UCT Prague. PhD in Metallurgy since 2006 (dissertation thesis: “Plasma nitriding of Nb-alloyed tool steel produced by powder metallurgy”), assoc. prof. since 2011 (habilitation thesis: “Preparation, properties and applications of intermetallics”). Author or co-author of over 100 ISI papers, over 90 Conference Papers and 2 patents in the field of metallurgy and materials science. He participated on 7 national projects including Centre of Excellence (Czech Science Foundation) and Centre of Competency (Technology Agency of Czech Republic) and coordinated 2 national projects. The main research interests are intermetallics and powder metallurgy. Vice-chair of the CA15102 COST Action, responsible for design of novel CRM-free materials based on intermetallics.
PhD in Materials Science since 1998, has as main expertise nanomaterials synthesis using solution chemical methods, their processing in new sintered products and thin films and the elaboration of specific methodologies for differential scanning calorimetry applied on nanomaterials and thin films. Since 2001 he participated in more NATO Science for Peace, European and National Projects H2020 projects. Actually he is coordinating H2020 Grant 692216- Virtual Centre SUPERMAT and member of the management core team of COST Action CA 15012 Critical Raw Materials for Extreme Environments. He published over 80 papers in this field and is co-author of 4 national and 2 European Patents.
He is founder member of the Nanofutures Association and member of the European High Pressure Research Association.
Peter Szakalos
Royal institute of technology, KTH Project leader
Title: “New alumina forming steels for new energy technologies”
Carole Tonello
Applications Director Hiperbaric
Title: “High Pressure Processing for food: Equipment and Applications”
I'm working part-time at KTH as a project leader and supervisor within the area of high temperature corrosion and related development of new steels.
Part time consultant within the areas of corrosion, aluminum production/metallurgy and generation IV nuclear technology.
Carole Tonello-Samson is active industrial researcher with emphasis in High Pressure Processing (HPP) for food. She has a PhD in food science on the effects of HPP on inactivation of microorganisms. Since 2003, Carole works as Applications & Process Development Director at Hiperbaric (, a Spanish company designing, manufacturing and marketing HPP industrial equipment for food. She is in charge of the global scientific and technological support to HPP users. Carole is author or co-author of about twenty scientific articles and six book chapters.
Yi Qin
Professor & Director of the Centre for Precision Manufacturing The University of Strathclyde
Title: “Multi-scale modelling of multi-layered engineering surface systems”
Alain Largeteau
Senior Research Engineer- University of Bordeaux, ICMCB
Title: " Manufacturing and synthesis of materials in extreme conditions in the path of Gérard Demazeau towards exploring pressure potentialites"
Prof. Qin had PhD in Manufacturing Engineering, MSc in Mechanical Engineering and BEng in Engineering Machinery. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Manufacturing Review, Secretary of the Committee of the UK University Manufacturing Engineering Heads Consortium (COMEH), Member of the Advisory Board to the International Commercial Micro-Manufacturing Magazine, Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture. Prof. Qin’s research interests include Materials Forming and Micro/Nano-Manufacturing. He has led a series of the funded RTD projects with total budget over 40 millions pounds. He has published over 200 technical papers and books, and given keynote speeches and invited lectures at more than 30 international conferences and workshops worldwide. He is Co-Chair of the 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology, Bremen, 2018, and has been a member of the Scientific Committee of more than 40 international conferences.
Dr. Alain LARGETEAU received his PhD in 1990 on the subject concerning: Magneto-dielectric Composite Ceramics. In 2009, he completed his Habilitation with his expertise on High Pressure research as follows “On the contribution of High Pressure in Materials Chemistry, Materials Science and Biosciences”. Currently he is managing research team dealing on High Pressure synthesis. The main research activities of Dr. A.LARGETEAU could be defined by key words such as: Material Synthesis under High Pressure in Solid, Liquid and Gas phase - Design of devices under High Pressure - Effect of High Pressure processing on [Materials Chemistry, Materials Science, Biosciences] - Hydro/Solvothermal processes [Crystal growth, Powder synthesis, Cold sintering] - Densification [Cold Isostatic Pressure, Freeze Isostatic Pressure] - Sintering [Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at conventional pressure and at very high pressure (HP-SPS)]. He was awarded with Chevalier des Palmes Académiques (2014). He has published 120 articles in international journals, 10 book chapters and has 20 patents to his credit.
Dr. Emilio Moran
Chair Professor Universidad complutense de Madrid
Title: “High Pressure and Rechargeable Batteries: are they separate worlds?”
Prof. Morán’s career (Madrid, 1952) focused on the synthesis and characterization of different inorganic materials, most of them oxides. His PhD Thesis (1981) on the hydrothermal synthesis of a new family of “silicon-free hydrogarnets, was supervised by Prof. Alario-Franco at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). His postdocs stages include “Laboratoire de Crystallographie”, CNRS, (Grenoble, France), ATT-Bell Labs (New Jersey, USA) and IBM (Almaden Research Center, California, USA). He has been visiting professor at different Latin-American Universities (UNAM, Mexico and UNS, Argentina). Since 1984 he is professor of inorganic chemistry at the UCM and in 1996 was co-founder with prof. Alario-Franco of the “Laboratorio Complutense de Altas Presiones” a high-pressure laboratory unique in Spain. His research lines include high Tc superconductors, materials for lithium or sodium rechargeable batteries, ionic conductors, magnetic materials, multiferroics, etc. and, among the synthesis procedures, besides the ordinary ceramic procedure, his interests range from the synthesis of materials under “extreme conditions” to the so called “soft chemistry”, that is close to ambient conditions. In the last few years he has started a new research line on “microwave-assisted chemistry” in order to get interesting materials -many times as nanomaterials- in very short times, thus a “fast chemistry” procedure and with considerable energy saving, which makes it a “green chemistry” route. He has coauthored more than 200 papers, he is the coordinator of a research program for “Energy-related materials” and the “Epsilon de Oro” prize of the Spanish Society for Glass and Ceramics was given to him in 2015.
Dr. Rémi Blanc
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mérignac, France
Title: “3D Correlative Microscopy Applied to the Quantification of Porous Media of Bio-composite Scaffolds”
Rémi Blanc has obtained his PhD in image analysis from the University of Bordeaux, in 2007.
He has worked for about 10 years in academic research on statistical methods for image analysis.
At the University of Bordeaux, he investigated the use of spatial statistics for inferring material properties from samples of limited size, with applications on composite material characterization.
He also worked in the field of medical image analysis at the ETH Zurich, on statistical shape modeling and their applications for organ segmentation, shape completion and indirect localization of surgical targets.
He joined FEI in 2013 (now Thermo Fisher Scientific), as an application specialist for the image visualization and analysis software Amira and Avizo.