Program Schedule

 April 11 2018, afternoon

13:00 – 13:45 Registration + Coffee

13:45 -14:00 Introduction of ICMCB and Spring School session opening- Dr Mario Maglione and Dr Alain Largeteau

Session I:Interest of High Pressure in materials science

14:00 - 14:35 Manufacturing and synthesis of materials in extreme conditions in the path of Gérard Demazeau towards exploring Pressure potentialities at ICMCB- Dr Alain Largeteau

14:40 - 15:25 Materials for energy conversion stabilized under high-pressure conditions- Prof José Antonio Alonso

15:30 - 16:10 Coherent thermodynamic model for the solid, liquid and gas phases of elements and simple compounds in wide ranges of pressure and temperature-  Prof Wilfried Holzapfel

16:15 - 16:30 Coffee Break & Poster session

16:30 - 17:10 High Pressure and Rechargeable Batteries: are they separate worlds?- Prof Emilio Moran

17:15 – 17:55 Perovskite materials discovery using high pressure -A legacy of Gérard Demazeau- Prof John Paul Attfield

 April 12, 2018, morning

8:30 – 9:10 High Pressure Processing for food: Equipment and Applications- Dr Carole Tonello/ Dr. Ignacio Arranz

Session II:Interests of high temperature in materials science

9:15 – 9:55  Thin films architectures for high temperature applications-Dr Radu-Robert Piticescu

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break & Poster session

10:15 – 10:45 Flash Poster presentations

10:50 - 11:30 Multi-scale modelling of multi-layered coatings- Prof Yi Qin       

11:45 – 13:45 Lunch Break

April 12, 2018, afternoon

13: 55 - 14:35 Silicon carbide ceramics and composites for extreme environments- Dr Claudio Mingazzini

14:40 - 15:20 New alumina forming steels for new energy technologies- Dr Peter Szakalos

Session III:Applications of pressure in materials science

15:25 - 16:05 X-ray diffraction under pressure using Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC): Example and specificity of soft molecular materials- Dr Mathieu Marchivie

16:10 - 16:25 Coffee Break & Poster session

16:30 - 17:10 Continuous synthesis of nanomaterials using high pressure microfluidics- Dr Samuel Marre

17:15 - 17:55 Hydrothermal sintering: a low temperature densification process for ceramics and multimaterials. Recent trends and prospects- Prof Graziella Goglio

18:00 - 18:40 3D correlative microscopy applied to the quantification of porous media of biocomposite scaffolds- Dr. Rémi Blanc, Thermo Fisher Scientific

20:00 - 23:00 Gala dinner with panoramic view of Bordeaux and Garonne River

April 13, 2018, morning

Session IV:  Material syntheses in extreme conditions

8:30 - 9:10 High Pressure synthesis of new light materials with outstanding properties- Dr Yann Le Godec

9:15 – 9:55 Impacts of the High Pressure on materials at nanoscale- Dr Sylvie Le Floch

10:00 - 10:40 Reactive and non-reactive spark plasma sintering of ultra high temperature ceramics and related applications- Prof Giacomo Cao

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break & Poster session

11:00 – 11:40 Intermetallics- new materials for extreme conditions- Prof Pavel Novak

11:45 – 12:25 Influence of current parameters on phase composition for superhard composites, sintered using high pressure- Prof Lucyna Jaworska

12:30 – 14:00 Closing session and Lunch




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